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Access Awareness Week 2024 May 26 to June 1

Thursday, May 30, 2024

It's Accessibility Awareness Week in Nova Scotia from May 26 to June 1. The theme for this year’s Access Awareness Week is “Communities for All: Taking Action on Access Awareness.”

In 2017, Nova Scotia became the third province in Canada to pass accessibility legislation, committing to a more equitable and accessible province. The Province is developing accessibility standards and resources to support the Accessibility Act goal of achieving an accessible Nova Scotia by 2030.  

As the Province of Nova Scotia moves toward this goal, there is much work that can be done to support the tourism industry. Tourism Nova Scotia is dedicated to helping businesses identify, prevent and eliminate accessibility barriers so that visitors of all abilities can explore and have an excellent experience in Nova Scotia.

Use these Tip Sheets and Spotlights to help guide and inspire you as you work towards improving accessibility at your tourism business.

Tip Sheets and Spotlights

We also have resources to help improve accessibility for your employees and customers.

Improving Accessibility in Tourism

Part of National AccessAbility Week, the annual event honours and highlights the significant contributions and leadership by Nova Scotians with disabilities and offers an opportunity to increase awareness, education and dialogue around access and inclusion. For more information about Access Awareness Week in Nova Scotia