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New Partnership with Halifax Convention Centre Brings Travel Counselling to Thousands of Event Delegates

June 22, 2018

Tourism Nova Scotia (TNS) has partnered with the Halifax Convention Centre to offer on-site travel counselling to thousands of event delegates this year.

Starting June 2018, TNS will operate a visitor information booth at the centre during national and international events. The Halifax Convention Centre estimates more than 25,000 national and international delegates will come through its doors in 2018. That’s 25,000 opportunities to inspire travel and encourage spending in our province!


TNS’s visitor information booth at the Halifax Convention Centre will increase awareness of what there is to see and do across the province and will encourage delegates to step out of the venue into Nova Scotia’s vibrant communities, local businesses, and beautiful landscapes.

The Halifax Convention Centre already integrates Nova Scotia flavours, products, and experiences into their events through their Local Program. We are thrilled to partner with them to enhance Nova Scotia’s presence in the centre even further through our visitor information booth.

This visitor information booth will operate as a pilot for one year, until May 30, 2019.