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New Travel Application Process

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Permanent residents of Nova Scotia and people travelling for essential reasons are now required to apply to enter the province.

At this time, only permanent residents and people traveling for essential reasons identified here may enter Nova Scotia. People will apply through the established Nova Scotia Safe Check-in. They should apply about a week before they intend to travel. If they do not see a category in the Nova Scotia Safe Check-in that matches their reason for travel, then they cannot come to Nova Scotia at this time.
People approved to enter the province must still self-isolate for 14 days after arrival, unless they are exempt.
Applications for child-custody visits and exempt travellers (such as military, first responders, airline crew and people accessing essential health services) will be approved automatically. All others will be reviewed within three business days. People cannot enter the province until they receive approval.
People can follow the Nova Scotia-New Brunswick travel protocol only if they have to travel for work, school or childcare (ie, a child in daycare). They do not need to apply via the Nova Scotia Safe Check-in form.

People can apply for an exception to move to Nova Scotia if they meet certain criteria, to write exams that cannot be deferred or done virtually, or to be with an immediate family member at end of life. Instructions for applying are available at:  

The restriction for essential travel is in place at least the second week of June.