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Tourism Accommodations Restart Customer Attraction Program

The Tourism Accommodations Restart Customer Attraction Program will help registered tourism accommodations with marketing activities to attract customers and bring tourism dollars to Nova Scotia businesses.

The one-time grant can be used for marketing expenses like advertising, packaging expenses, promotions (ie: third night free, stay two nights and local breakfast is included, etc.), or enhancing customer-focused amenities. Funds may not be used to provide direct discounts.

This program is now closed. The deadline to apply was 23 July 2021.


To be eligible for the program, you must:

  • meet the definition of a roofed accommodation in the Tourist Accommodations Registration Act
  • be registered as a host under the Tourist Accommodations Registration Act
  • be HST registered
  • have at least one room available for rent to travellers

Funding amount

Eligible operators will receive one-time grant of $1,000 per room for their first 10 rooms and $500 per room for each additional room.

Funding can be used for one or more of the following activities:

  • Advertising
    Examples: digital marketing (purchasing digital ads); traditional marketing (print, radio, billboard); hosting influencers, etc.
  • Packaging expenses
    Examples: supplement package costs (e.g. overnight stay + meal; overnight stay + bottle of Tidal Bay wine with local cheese pairing, etc.); align package components with target market interests (e.g. 2 night family package with a guided kayaking tour for four, etc.).
  • Promotions
    Examples: stay two nights and get the 3rd night free; stay two nights, breakfast included (if breakfast is not already provided in room rate to guests, etc.).
  • Customer-focused upgrades or amenities
    Funds may be used for improvements or upgrades that will enhance the customer experience. Examples include: pool enhancements; bikes, kayaks available for use; upgrades to improve accessibility.

Eligible activities should be completed by March 31, 2022. Participants must keep all invoices for eligible expenses and provide them to the program administrator if requested.

How to apply

This program is now closed. The deadline to apply was 23 July 2021.

When you apply, you need to:

  • provide proof of HST registration
  • attest that you’ll use the funding to design compelling marketing and promotions or implement customer-focused amenity enhancements

