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Apply Now! Get Support to Develop a Sales Strategy to Attract National and International Travellers

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Get one-on-one coaching through the EXPORT Travel Trade Program to develop partnerships with tour operators and travel agents so you can attract more national and international customers.

Participants will work with a coach who has extensive experience in the travel trade to build a sales strategy, implement best practices for working with the travel trade and create partnerships with travel agents and tour operators to begin making sales. 

What is the travel trade?

The travel trade is the network of travel and tourism services that includes tour operators, travel agents and online travel agents. Working with the travel trade helps get information about your business to more travellers and opens new sales opportunities. It’s also a great way to help showcase the broad range of exciting things to do and places to go in Nova Scotia, generating awareness and interest in the province.

Why participate?

National and international travel is expected to ramp up again in 2023, so this is a good time to put more effort into attracting travellers from farther away. Travellers from the United Kingdom and Germany are likely to use a tour operator or travel agent to book their vacations in Nova Scotia, so working with the travel trade is an effective way to promote your business to these travellers.

Businesses that successfully complete the program will be able to qualify to participate in the Atlantic Canada Showcase in Charlottetown in October 2023, which is an opportunity to meet one-on-one with national and international tour operators and travel agents. Tourism Nova Scotia also promotes Nova Scotia through sales initiatives like business-to-business meetings, marketplaces, and product knowledge tours. Participating businesses could be featured in these initiatives.   

Who can participate?

The program is open to tourism businesses that have been in operation for at least one year and have taken part in the Atlantic Travel Trade Readiness Program or have some experience working with the travel trade. 

Read the guidelines and apply now! 

Applications will be accepted until September 30, 2023 or until all spaces are filled, whichever is sooner. However, if you are interested in completing this program to qualify for the Atlantic Canada Showcase, you must apply by April 30, 2023. 

Applications will be assessed when they are received. There is no cost to participate.

For more information, please contact Natalie Shaw, Market Development Coordinator, at