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Making the Connection: Tourism Summit Brings Together Nova Scotia’s Tourism Industry

Friday, October 26, 2018

Tourism Nova Scotia is pleased to be a presenting partner of the 41st Annual Tourism Summit, hosted  by the Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia (TIANS).

This year, Michele Saran, CEO of Tourism Nova Scotia will deliver a keynote presentation, called Going the Distance, and she will facilitate a panel discussion with Tourism Nova Scotia’s representatives for the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Germany, China. 

Tourism Nova Scotia’s Educational Sessions:

On Monday, November 26, our Experience Development Manager Heather Yule and Tourism Development Advisors Nick Fry, Erin Hume, Judy Lynch, and Katherine Wadden will lead a workshop on how to become Nova Scotia’s next great travel experience. Participants will learn what it takes to curate a travel experience, gain direct insight from Nova Scotia tourism operators who have developed experiences of their own, discover how experience development can grow your business, and get a sneak-peek at Tourism Nova Scotia’s new tools to create your experience. Summit delegates are asked to register for this session as space is limited.

For tourism operators who want to prepare their business to welcome more visitors from key international markets, Tourism Nova Scotia’s in-market representatives and market development team will provide a deeper dive into the profiles of German, UK, and Chinese travellers and share best-practices for serving visitors from these markets in a educational session on Tuesday, November 27.

Tourism Nova Scotia will host a Digital Help Desk throughout the day on November 27.  Registered Tourism Summit delegates can book a free 20-minute session with experts from Google Canada's and Tourism Nova Scotia’s digital marketing teams. Google Canada representatives will offer advice on Google business listings, analytics, search engine marketing and site speed optimizations. Tourism Nova Scotia’s digital marketing team will offer one-on-one assistance with optimizing your business listing on or discuss opportunities to partner with us on content development and digital marketing.

TIANS has also worked with many other partners to offer educational sessions on a broad range of topics. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with others in the tourism industry and access information that can help enhance your business.

Register before October 31 for early-bird pricing.

Related Links:
Tourism Summit Registration
Tourism Summit Sessions
Tourism Summit Agenda

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